Sunday, June 16, 2013

You are my First Man. The Last son of Mahmud.

You taught me patience, to keep calm,
You taught me respect, no matter where they came from,
You taught me to share and understand others, 
You taught me that there is proper timing for everything,
You taught me mercy & greatness,
You taught undivided love and care,
You were my Second Teacher, second to Mom,
You are my First Man.
The Last son of Mahmud.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Love and Moderation

A walk, by the recreation,
breathing the fresh breeze friction,
and view the greenery sanctioned,

To feel the freedom,
while speaking to nature's confession,
Those are my daily mission.

Yet, after keeping my loafers,
I loaf, I lay,
In gloomy tunes, I decay,

Wonder and ponder to no turn,
For all that they have taken and burnt,
Bringing hopes and dreams to urn,
Yet never a lesson learnt,

We take, we make, we break,
To left and right, we fake,
But none is awake,
Oh! stop it, for goodness' sake,

Take a moment for realization,
This race was never your mission,
Why bow to all the promise of fiction?
When all we need is Love and Moderation.
