From the moment of Hello,
I was tied into continuous growth,
From steadfast wall,
I evolved soft for this oriental doll,
Brilliant, yet a gorgeous lady-like,
Man, this woman had stolen my sight,
She has this calming voice, that made it
In darkness, she came lighting bright,
Since the double “Ying”,
On our ice-cream waffles,
I became this thing,
Like a kid with his chocolate truffles,
For hours, days or momentarily,
She never fails to amaze me,
Mindful, yet decent to many,
But always intriguing & foxy to me,
A family oriented girl, is rare nowadays,
Yet a well mannered one too, she was in
every way,
Her kind heartedness & deep
She is responsible, warm and loving,
For motivation and joy of freedom,
I’ve slowly realize, of what she had become,
My one spontaneous support system,
On any day I fell rock bottom,
Or days felt like victor ludorum,
Home material or an adventure partner, was
my question,
But God answered me both, in one sanction,
Worldly progression or personal discussion,
Or even the chilled coffee session between
usual errands,
For you, I’d be the strength and motivation,
By you, I hoped to be accepted as I have seasoned,
Because to you, I felt this urge to mention,
That with you, I wish to complete my
remaining mission.
- 17th May 2017