Saturday, November 29, 2014

Allah Maha Besar

Sewaktu Tunang,
memang berdarah manis,
Syaitan akan berbisik terang,
mematahkan semangat tipis,
Kalau lemah, sangat malang,
Kerana niat mendirikan masjid
sangat dibenci dan pantang.
supaya sentiasa berdosa panjang.


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    1. Wow, hahha you seems to know more for a stranger :)...hahha alright, shes not for me...tak pelah...we had a good run..dah lepas pun...heheh but thank you so much..dah takde jodoh..i've done my best to make it work..things dah terjadi so no more point..but I'm curious now..who is this sharp minded person who knows me..intrguing..May Allah bless you and thank you for ur motivstion :)) u speak exactly what was on my mind..but may i know who u are?

    2. Excuse me Remy... I find it funny that u using Allah's name and saying u doakan terbaik for dia and maafkan dia etc tp u wish thank you so much kt org yg kutuk org yg u used to love? I mean come on.. Nak kutuk and discuss aib org pon x payah la pakai nama.. Agak x baik and x matand u bigtkan komen komen org yg bashing someone pakai nama.

      Sapa2 nk kutuk x beragak pakai nama tu sepatutnya u delete..n u request supporters u x payah mention nama eventho org tau sapa. Buka aib org nanti Allah buka aib kita blk satu hari.. She is not perfect n even if she is whatever she is.. Kita pon x perfect altho org mayb skrg igt kita perfect dr sesape dan ada buat silap. Allah tutup aib kita skrg bkn tUK kita tunjuk aib org dan riak diri kita baik.

      Will Rasullulah condone and be thankful for theese kind of 'bashing' comments even to his worst enemies who has done worst things to him? I don't think so...

      If you don't remove all postings mentioning fify's name...dat is ur just advising but shame on u.and it proves u masih x mampu jaga maruah anak dara org. Pls Remy.. I know u are more matured and better than this public bashing of her name here..igtlah benda2 baik yg dia and fam dia pernah laluI and buat kt u..they deserve dis much to not have her name being mentioned.

      Two wrongs doesn't make one right. K. Thanks

    3. And trust me..selagi ada nama fify DISEBUT kt blog ni.. U rasa dua2 u akan diterima ke? Dpt pahala berterusan sampai mati adalah..even dh mati pon kalau x remove posting ni.. U hanya buat saham dosa kering yg x kan puts walaupon row dh can't dr jasad u. Mmg u x sebut nama dia tp u sedikan platform org kutUK sebut nama dia and bergembira bila org buat camtu. Dia pon Muslim sama cam kita. Mkn darah daging sedara sendiri watpe.

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    5. *doa

      *walaupon roh dh cabut dr jasad u

    6. Asalam, I'm sorry...izni...i treasure her family...i did not say she did anything at all. I said its not my jodoh. Why are you saying that i let people kutuk? I use Allahs name to thank Him for showing ne if shes not my jodoh and to show me what next in life. I respect her family and my words to them. And I thank people for everyone's duas for happiness in life. Please forgive me if it appeared to you as such. And I do wish the best for her future. Waallahualam.

    7. Hi izni...i wonder why you are angry...angry at me writing on my blog or to other people talking about her? I wrote this before anything was just a writing about pertunangan and dugaan in general. Plus I wrote it for myself as u cud see my blog is about my writings since younger age. I did not plan it to be a platform for bashing as u called it. But ur comment does come with sentiment of threats and anger..angry for me writing on my blog? About what I felt about tunang in general? Angry about me thanking peoples dua for goodness? Or angry for me thanking Allah for how he made me go thru with ease compared to what i had before in experience of growing up? The only context is to ask me to delete peoples comment with her name..people say what they want..if i delete comments..anyone else still can comment later on. Which was why I think best is to asked people to not talk about her or what happened in this blog instead..I am not perfect thus I thank Allah for helping with easing my heart. I can delete the comments..but it would not make any differences with the pictures posted herself out there..think about it..izni, to think about it, I think I have done enough in being my best, enough of how I still try to refrain from doing unrelevant actions yet try my best to keep calm and strive towards positivity, enough about people talking about me with her, my writings is about my life experience...I'm sorry Izni... this is my personal blog. For my own passion of writing.. I write many more topics in this blog, not just this post. But what I hope u could see is not to see these with negativity..unless of course with influence...if u read with neutral heart, you'll instead thinking that I am thankful for the good reason..and never have I mentioned how bad she is or thank people for bashing any names. What you do is not my control. I might delete the comments..if I find fit. And I thank you for pointing her name out. I will read thru the comments and do what I have to. I too hope others would not mention any names after this. Insyaallah.. And btw izni, its really good that she has someone as thoughtful and a great friend like you. Do take care and be by her side.

    8. To me bnda yg x elok x payah backup n I also wonder why is this lady so angry.. moreover if we like the pic that was posted on ig or fb for example pic yg x cover aurat sama lh spt kita agree dgn kemungkaran..maaf sekiranya kata 2 saya buat anda tersinggung tp in our religion kebenaran perlu diberitahu walaupun pahit..wallahualam
      N I do think these poetry by dr remy x de niat nk mengaibkan sesiapapun..

    9. Izni..Izni..Dulu when Fify cheated on Shimi pun you backing dia. When will you realize that SHE is the problem and not anyone else?Dari you waste your time commenting on this blo, I would suggest that you go and nasihat your 'best' friend to stop being a slut and grow up :)

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Alhamdulilah...I thank you all for the support and motivation...only Allah could repay for your heartfelt words...well yes, I've prayed to Him to show if she would be the jodoh or if she's not the one and He did...and He also have helped me in so many ways that its not painful, but rather a very calm and relieving feeling upon what had happened. There is no point of hatred but gratefulness for having to learn and opened up to what I have seen. Alhamdulilah, praise Allah for what he had given and helped me with..and may Allah show us all the truth of things and for what we seek in our future.

    2. Rai.. Baiknye u.. Edit Comment u semata2 utk melindungi daripada org tau perbuatan Fify dekat u.

      Org Yg teraniaya pula yg menjaga hati org yg menganiaya.

      May Allah bless your pure soul n repay u with a girl worthy of ur time. Seorg yg solehah dan tak menipu

      Take care, man

    3. Izni..Izni..Dulu when Fify cheated on Shimi pun you backing dia. When will you realize that SHE is the problem and not anyone else?Dari you waste your time commenting on this blo, I would suggest that you go and nasihat your 'best' friend to stop being a slut and grow up :)

  3. Semoga Allah makbulkan segala doa u. In shaa Allah.

  4. May Allah give you strength in this time of trial and grant you the happiness that you deserve. Ameen.

  5. :) Ya are all so kind...thank you for all your doa's :) alhamdulilah, I'm fine...tak apa..yang sudah tu sudah...semuanya have been planned by Allah swt. Ameen, Insyaallah..semoga doa kalian dimakbulkan and may Allah grant you all rahmat for real happiness in life too :) but you guys really are making me crazy with all these anonymity..hahha...if only there is a way for me to know and find out who are these kind people.. u guys really give me hope that there are still such kind people like u all in this critical social world :) btw, biarla dia..maybe she's not ready kan..tak apa..insyaallah..semoga Allah bless her with good future too. Wallahualam.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Tak apa la...dah lepas...hehe I really thought it was naivety..well lets hope she did learn or be more sensitive on things..Insyallah...its better for us to doakan the best for her and family..semoga Allah grant her happiness in her choice...dia marah??! And you saw the picture??...I see...biarla...there's nothing more to do about it and mungkin she pun nak defend her name kan, well...benda dah lepas pun..the rest, let us doa yang baik for them both..and semoga dia menjadi anak yang solehah. Alhamdulilah..I've learnt and gotten real good friends from really helps me to keep calm and patience to walk through what happened :) and I'm really grateful for all you people's kind motivation.. :)

  7. Quite impress when you decided to remain calm facing this test from Him. Wateva happen in the past, its a sign of Allah's love toward you that He wants you repent and learn from the mistakes you have done throughout the relationship. May Allah reward you a halal relationship with a decent woman who obey Allah's command and also has Allah in her heart in everything shes doing. Ameen. Keep strengthen your relationship with Him, He surely know what you deserve. Precisely. I wish you a life full of barakah in future! :)

    1. Alhamdulilah, thank you for your doa my friend..i really appreciate it..and hehe ameennn..insyaallah...I will learn and improve from His tests..hanya Allah sahaja yang dapat membalas your kind doa.

  8. A man like you is hard to come by. Stumbled upon your blog recently, curious about your engagement that did not work out. I have no clue as to what truly happened so I do not have the right to judge either party. Even so, from the comments above and from some of your recent posts I gather a situation of unfaithfulness that occurred on her part. From one man to another man, your faithfulness towards Fify I have to applaud and the fact that you do not flip out and act irrationally like any other man would, it takes a true man to act in such a way. Whatever it may be, things may not always work out the way we olan it to be. - Kita cadang, tuhan sahaja yang menentukan.

    May you be blessed with a brighter future ahead, with one who appreciates and values you for the person that you are and not for the person that you portray or put up to be.

    All the best to you my fellow brother. May He show you the path towards self righteousness and lead you to a soulmate who sees past the value of dunya while embracing the journey towards akhirah. And perhaps we could get together for coffee some day.

    1. I'm truely honoured for your words brother. Much was in mind but with His will I ended doing what He permitted...but I'm glad that Allah has granted me all of your views as to help with my motivation with moving on. Insyallah...Ameen to all your doas...after all it's what we ever build a good future with someone we could share every ups and downs insyaallah my friend...and yes! Why not? Perhaps we could.. how do I be in touch with you?

  9. Wise choice! No worries, you will find someone better -- someone who isn't full of herself LOL

  10. All I can say is, thank god you found out before tying the knot. Not really my place to say much but she's not worth it. Spare yourself some misery. You are wayyy smarter for her, don't settle for any less than that.

    1. Yes alhamdulilah things happened before too late. I am thankful for what Allah have shown me. Its okay my friend, let her be..let us just pray the best for only He knows whats best for all of us. And thank you for your supportive word, truly humbled. Alhamdulilah.

  11. Be strong. Always make du'a to Allah. Everything's gonna be alright. Hope 2015 will be a good year for you Ameen.

  12. Fify buat apekat u babe..plsshare..just for our reminder, maybe.

    1. Its not really nice for me to disclose what she did..I'm sorry. But its wrong enough to make me having to stop any relation at all with her.

  13. salam, hai remy..i truly have no clue as to what truly happened so I do not have the right to judge either party. but as a muslim we should jaga aib everyone no matter how bad they treat us. sedangkan Allah menjaga aib kita, siapa kita untuk membuka aib orang lain. im proud of you because you did not do that. may allah bless you always. have faith brother. keep on istiqarah and minta Allah permudahkan segala urusan anda. semoga awak terus menjadi doktor untuk ummah. inshaAllah.

    1. Alhamdulilah...insyaallah :) not my business to think or prolong dwelling of the past. I have lots to improve in myself, for the future deserves a learned me. The best way is for me to doa the best for them. Between me and her, there is nothing more. Between Allah with them is none of my business. We all have out roles to play in His plan. May Allah swt, show us all the right path to be a better person ourselves, insyaallah.

  14. I follow ig you. Kinda surprise bila dapat tahu what happened between you and her. Hurmmm. Be strong Remy. Allah knows what is the best for you. May Allah ease everything. In sha Allah. Amin.

    1. From your ig, i know that you are such a nice man. I pray that one day you will find someone who deserves you. In sha Allah. Amin. Keep smiling remy :)

  15. Semoga tabah mengharungi dugaan hidup yg sementara ini..manusia merancang..Allah knows best..

  16. Stay strong and be optimistic raimie.Everything happens for a reason maybe Allah nak you belajar something from it.Have faith in Him because He knows what is the best for His umat :) Insyallah

    1. :) I believe so, thank you Nur Fariha :) insyaallah.

  17. You're single now. So, can i ngorat u? Hahahahaha...just kidding !

  18. Insyaallah someday, someone will walk into your life and make you realise why it never worked out with anyone else :) And nothing is more attractive than a man with self-respect and a mind of his own, to walk away from unrequited love. Spare your big heart for somebody who appreciates you wholeheartedly, and the rest will follow through :) Sending well wishes your way x

  19. Weh sedih gila love story you.dulu i adore gila kot dekat fify.cantik semua.tapi dah macam gini kan habis semua adore i dekat dia.bukan dulu dia pernah kena cheat ke before dengan u.rilex eh you.ramai lagi better untuk you.

  20. And now there is me 😊❤️

  21. Yes, there is only you 😚
