Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Music Genre, Is my Latte.

Hardcore Rock,
Rushes energy till I flock,
Hyped & running even when I could walk,

Blues & Jazz,
My moment of truce and arrest,
Feel it, shut up, and rest,

Country or Classical,
Old, boring or traditional?
Yet Evergreen, never had a funeral,

With these, my motivation bounds,
Be it little mouse or ferocious hounds,
This is my story of the sounds.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Through love is true love

Through experience,
I've made choices and wizened,
Thus, Learnt to prevail,

Through fate,
I've made changes and ends meet,
Thus, learnt to survive,

Through destiny,
I've made sins and mistakes,
Thus, living as the norms,

Through maturity,
I've found feelings and passion,
Thus, lining emotions,

Through emotions,
I've seen varieties and personalities,
Thus, into finding her,

Through her,
I've seen laughter and happiness,
Thus, the attraction,

Through her,
I've felt undoubted care and in control,
Thus, the accumulative growth,

Through her,
I've equaled giving and versa,
Thus, the balanced assurance,

Trough her,
I've chosen sacrifice and patience,
Thus, striving for the coming,

Trough her,
I've found master piece and life completion,
Thus, search my heart and fought lust for decision,

The reason because..

Nay by lust,but through love,
Thus the true love.